0034 950 387016 - Ctra San José KM 3. | 04117 Barranquete, Nijar, Almería – España.



We are Organic-Biological-Ecological fruit and vegetable farmers, working in our own production. We come from a rural family with an agricultural tradition, close to the wonderful setting of the “Cabo de Gata – Nijar Natural Park”.

Our grandparents farmed using natural means and we felt the need to return to our roots, so we decided to reincorporate what our grandparents taught us.

This decision allowed us to be the first Organic-Biological-Ecological company in the Nijar region, opening the door for other farmers and companies to follow the same path, with all the benefits this contributes to our environment and, as a direct consequence, to all that lives and grows here: contributing to environmental protection and the ecological philosophy through a sustainable economy.

Today, we reaffirm this approach by continuing to produce and think Organic-Biological-Ecological, by continuing to demonstrate that you can achieve what you believe.

In the future we will continue work along these lines, always seeking the Organic-Biological-Ecological guarantee, so that we and the younger generations can enjoy healthy, exquisite, high-quality products that derive from a work ethic and belief, in defence of a more sustainable planet.


Bio Sol Portocarrero, SAT | Ctra San José KM 3. | 04117 Barranquete, Nijar, Almería – España.

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BIO SOL PORTOCARRERO SAT ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo
objetivo es mejorar la competitividad de las Pymes y gracias al cual ha puesto en marcha un Plan de
Acción con el objetivo de mejorar su posicionamiento en mercados exteriores a través de la
implantación de soluciones innovadoras durante el año 2019. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del
Programa InnoXport de la Cámara de Comercio de Almería.

 Una manera de hacer Europa

Proyecto financiado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional