Bio Sol Portocarrero 20th Anniversary Celebration
This week the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Bio Sol Portocarrero took place, during this year 2019 we have celebrated our 20 years dedicated to organic farming with various events and fairs, but we wanted to end this special year for us celebrating it with...
Bio Sol Portocarrero sponsor of the Níjar Cup Tournament
Bio Sol Portocarrero sponsors the 1st Edition of the “Níjar Cup” Base Football Tournament, which will be held between December 26 and 29, 2019. This tournament will feature the participation of 80 teams among which are professional teams of top teams and safe...
Bio Sol Portocarrero official sponsorship of IV Edition of Flamenco Running Cabo de Gata
Bio Sol Portocarrero sponsors for the fourth time the Flamenco Running Race Cabo de Gata, which is consolidated as one of the essential events in Almeria sports. This year Bio Sol Portocarrero sponsored the fourth edition of the Flamenco Running Cabo de Gata, which...
20th anniversary of Bio Sol Portocarrero at Fruit Attraction 2019
Bio Sol Portocarrero participates at Fruit Attraction 2019 with a conmemorative stand for its 20th anniversary dedicated to organic farming and commitment to the environment.In this edition of Fruit Attraction, Bio Sol Portocarrero pioneer in the province of Almeria...
Great success of the Levante Cup sponsored by Bio Sol Portocarrero
Last July 1st the "Levante Cup" Tournament sponsored by Bio Sol Portocarrero ended, the tournament has been a great success sport event and has allowed thousands of people to know the province and, specifically, Levante Almeriense. The last edition of the...
20th Anniversary of Bio Sol Portocarrero en FHAlmería
Special dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of Bio Sol Portocarrero in April 2019 printed edition of FhAlmería, newspaper dedicated to agriculture news
During last day of the III Edition of Infoagro Exhibition our company, Bio Sol Portocarrero has received the prize for environmental sustainability and organic production of Infoagro 2019 prizes. The awards ceremony was chaired by the Minister of...
Bio Sol Portocarrero official sponsor of Levante Cup
Bio Sol Portocarrero is official sponsors of Levante Cup, this base football tournament celebrates its VI Edition and has become a reference in this country. More than 2500 players in 5 categories, 150 people in the organization, 4 places in one of the...
Bio Sol Portocarrero AT INFOAGRO EXHIBITION 2019
From 22nd to 24th of May, we took part in the Infoagro Exhibition 2019, the reference event for the fruit and vegetable sector in the province of Almería, which attracts more than 30,000 visitors and the most important companies in the sector.This year we commemorate...
Bio Sol Portocarrero 20TH ANNIVERSARY
This year we celebrated the 20th anniversary of Bio Sol Portocarrero . We have been committed for two decades to the production and commercialization of organic biological and organic products of the highest quality.We come from a rural family of agricultural...

Bio Sol Portocarrero, SAT | Ctra San José KM 3. | 04117 Barranquete, Nijar, Almería – España.
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BIO SOL PORTOCARRERO SAT ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo
objetivo es mejorar la competitividad de las Pymes y gracias al cual ha puesto en marcha un Plan de
Acción con el objetivo de mejorar su posicionamiento en mercados exteriores a través de la
implantación de soluciones innovadoras durante el año 2019. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del
Programa InnoXport de la Cámara de Comercio de Almería.
Una manera de hacer Europa
Proyecto financiado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional